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Addi's Carrd Anonymous 3 days ago No. 9345628

Last Thread: >>>/addi/60641

Addi autistic, white, unlabeled, and uses she/him.
[> Talk's only about pilots on this account
> Sometimes posts fic snippets
> Talks abt rpf (joshler) ... so if u hate that then.... sorry friend
> Loves theorizing
> Trench!Tyler's PR manager
> Trenchler enjoyer
> loves water and rivers and oceans and lakes and ponds and rain and
> Loves motifs
> Loves Tyler
>like i said... Posts about rpf/rps but i am (mostly) just having fun
>Isn't promoting the forum websites his carrd is mimicking, just thinks it looks "cool"
>Definitely stole this carrd from his friend jimmy

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